Ayurvedic Remedies for Pimples

Pimples, or acne, are a common skin concern that affects people of all ages. While there are numerous over-the-counter and prescription treatments available, many individuals seek natural and holistic approaches to tackle this issue. In Ayurveda, pimples are known as “Yuvan Pidika,” which primarily affects young individuals. According to Ayurvedic principles, pimples result from an … Read more

Homemade Weight Loss Tea: Natural Ways to Lose Weight & Reduce Belly Fat

Do you want to lose weight and reduce belly fat? Looking for a natural herbal tea to lose weight fast? Keep reading this article to learn about various tea recipes to lose weight and improve your health. When it comes to shedding stubborn belly fat, exploring natural methods is a wise choice. Homemade teas, infused … Read more

Ayurvedic Remedies for Stomach Flu: Healing Gastroenteritis or Stomach Infection

Gastroenteritis, also known as stomach flu, is characterized by inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sometimes fever. The condition is primarily caused by viral or bacterial infections, contaminated food or water, and poor hygiene practices. In Ayurveda, gastroenteritis is attributed to an imbalance in the “Pitta” … Read more

Ayurvedic Remedies for Constipation and Digestive Health

Constipation stems from a variety of factors. Bowel movements can be improved by introducing modifications to diet and daily routines. Quick relief from constipation requires a conscientious approach to dietary practices. Various factors contribute to constipation, including: Ayurvedic Herbs for Constipation Let’s explore key herbs used in Ayurveda for easing constipation. Isabgol (Psyllium Husk): Psyllium … Read more

Best Ayurvedic Remedies for Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (E.Coli, B.Coli)

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common trouble for many women, causing great discomfort and inconvenience. Though less prone, even men get afflicted with UTIs. Fortunately, Ayurveda offers natural remedies to help cure and prevent UTIs. Let’s explore how Ayurvedic remedies can provide relief and promote urinary health. Understanding Types of UTIs There are four … Read more

Ayurvedic Remedies for Viral Fever: Best Medicine & Treatment for Fever at Home

Viral fever is when you feel hot and sick because of tiny germs called viruses. These days, many people, including kids and grown-ups, can get it. Sometimes, the weather changing and getting hotter can make it more common. It happens because of the air we breathe or being around someone who is sick. Ayurvedic Medicine … Read more

Ayurvedic Remedies for High BP: Managing Hypertension (Uccha Raktachaap)

High blood pressure, or “Uccha Raktachaap” in Hindi, is a prevalent health concern affecting many people. Also known as hypertension, this condition occurs when the blood pressure against the walls of your arteries is consistently too high. ⚠ Do not ignore high blood pressure! High BP is a silent killer. It’s deadly, with consequences such … Read more

Ayurvedic Remedies for Cough: Best Medicine & Home Remedies for Cough

Cough is a common problem that occurs in various scenarios such as common cold and viral infections, allergies, or respiratory issues. While several cough syrups and medical formulations can provide quick relief, Ayurveda has several natural remedies and treatments for cough that have proven the test of time. 10 Ayurvedic Remedies for Cough In this … Read more

Ayurvedic Remedies for Common Cold: Treating Cold & Viral Flu at Home

Common cold is a common health trouble. As it’s widely accepted, common cold and virals are due to weak immune system. In Ayurveda, the key to preventing such ailments lies in maintaining a robust immune system. In this article, let’s explore Ayurvedic remedies to improve our immune system, reducing your vulnerability to seasonal sickness such … Read more

Best Food To Eat At Night To Lose Weight

Are you seeking effective choices for nighttime consumption to support your belly fat reduction journey? Uncover the finest food options that can facilitate weight loss while ensuring a peaceful sleep. Below are the top five foods to consider incorporating into your pre-bedtime routine for optimal results. Fatty Fish Fatty fish, such as salmon, mussels, herring, … Read more